Netfon is accredited, assessed according to the standard CYS EN ISO/IEC 17025, as competent to perform EMF measurements according to the following European (CENELEC) Standards, European Recommendations and Cyprus Regulatory Acts:
- CENELEC Standards
- CYS EN 50413:2008 (except §5.3, §5.4, §5.6, §6.0, §7.0)
- CYS EN 50400:2006 (except §6.0)
- CYS EN 50420:2006 (except §5.0, §6.0)
- CYS EN 50492:2008
- Recommendation by the Council of the European Union (1999/519/EC)
- Recommendation CEPT/ECC/REC/(02)04
- Instructions by the MCW/DEC related to measurements of the Exposure of public to EMF
- Regulatory Administrative Acts (R.A.A.) 35/2011 and 36/2011
The national exposure limits have been defined by the Ministry of Health, which has adopted those defined in recommendation 1999/519/ΕC.